I gasped

Last night I watched The Other Woman while I munched on homemade nachos.


It was the perfect nacho movie. The movie required no thinking so I missed nothing in between the crunching. I was entertained and well fed. Kind of a great Friday night!

Then I crawled into bed a bit early to finish Little Big Lies.


I cannot tell you the last time a book made me gasp out loud. The twist in this book caught me so off guard that I am still shocked. I love books that do that. Usually I see the twist coming, but not this time!

Today my mom and I met for lunch and to get some Christmas shopping done. I was not too successful, but it was nice to spend time with my mom. I have not seen her for a few weeks and I missed her.

Begonia is miserable. She wants out, but at least she is not stuck wearing the e-collar all day. She actually does very well without it. I still put it on her at night and when I am away for a long time. I would rather play it safe than sorry. She little paw is healing very well. Has she learned her lesson? Probably not, but I know that she will do everything she can to avoid being stuck inside again!

Now I need to get ready for a Christmas party. I am very excited!!!!

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