
I have heard that you are always supposed to start with something positive. So I share this with you.

IMG_5305I have looked high and low for a bottle with my name on it. I even went on the Coke website and at the time the site said that my name was available. It was very much worth the wait.

Yesterday was an interesting day. I spoke to a friend that I had not heard from in four years. She had so much to share and when it came time for me to share what was new I had not thing to say. In four years nothing has really happened other than Val passing.

Some may say that it is a good thing that nothing has really happened, but I do not. I am at a point in my life that things should be happening! I do not have a bad life, but I feel that it is just so stagnant. Nothing ever really happens. No boyfriends, no engagements, nothing really exciting ever happens.

It just depresses me.



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