A Very Productive Saturday

My morning started off with a smile. I woke up early and decided to lay in bed, lazily watching TV. I turned on the local news and the Breaking News music starts to play.


Because it had snowed overnight in the mountains!

Only in California.

We had a nice rainstorm overnight and it continued through the morning. I love rainy, cold weather.

I rolled out of bed and got in an early morning workout. I was not feeling it at all today and I dragged myself through it. No, I did not feel better after. I actually came home and took a nap.

Then I got productive. I went to the bank to open a savings account and tried to pay off my credit card (more on that Tuesday). I ran to Target and got more than I needed. I came home, paid my bills, made the neighbor a baked ziti (his wife is very sick and it was the neighborly thing to do), and put away all the Halloween decorations.

I even got a little reading done.

Now I am cooking dinner and catching up on my TV shows.

With all I got done today, what will I do tomorrow?

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