
I needed to get out of town today, so I drove down to see my grandmother.

She was not feeling great, but that did not stop us from watching some college football. She shakes her head at TV, where I yell at the players. We both enjoy the sport and could watch game after game. My Nana is probably one of my favorite people to watch football with. During the commercials we talked, caught up on family gossip, and complained about the world.

It was a pretty good Saturday.

I also finished Messenger by Lois Lowry.


It is third in the The Giver quartet. A few months ago I finished the first in the series, Gathering Blue, and was disappointed in the book. After reading Messenger I understood how Gathering Blue fit into the series and have a little bit more of an appreciation for it.

I guess the real question is how did Messenger compare to The Giver (one of my all time favorite books)? Well, it did not come close. It did spark an interest into the last book in the series, Son, and how all the books will come together. But how can anything be as good as The Giver?

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