It took eleven days

I started my first new book of the New Year today. I was reading To Kill A Mockingbird and for some reason I was struggling to get through it. I have reread the book every winter since I was in high school and I cannot remember having a problem getting through it.  My heart was just not into it this time.

I started reading a new book while I was getting my toes done. I think the lady knew I was stressed because she gave me an extra long leg massage and kept telling me to relax. I really tried to relax, but I think that made me more tense. Does that ever happen to you? The more you try to relax the more tense you get.

Other then that, my Sunday was very quiet. I enjoyed the rainy weather, watched some TV,  did laundry, and tried a new recipe for dinner.

I will admit that I am beginning to get a little worried that I am getting too comfortable being by myself.  I spend most of my time alone and I feel that I should change that. I am just stumped how to do that. Everyone has lives and families, so where does that leave me?  I will never interfere with someone’s family time, so I tend to just go off an do things by myself. I struggle with doing nothing or doing something alone.

I also realized today that I have not picked up my camera in a long time. I cannot remember when I went for a photo shoot. I look at my camera and tell myself I have to get shooting, then I don’t.  How do I fix that?

As these thoughts are going through my head, I look over and see Begonia with this look on her face.


Maybe she is as annoyed with me as I am with myself.

Or she is thinking that humans are pretty dumb.


This entry was posted in Begonia, Books, Food, Humans are dumb, Single Woman's Problems, Weekends. Bookmark the permalink.