Oh yoga how I love thee

I went to yoga today and I feel great. I do not think I have been to yoga since October and I am kicking myself. It amazes me every time I go to a class how much it does for me. It clears my head. It calms my mind. I stop overthinking. I take time to exhale. I feel so good afterwards!

Last night I stayed up late to finish The Circle by Dave Eggers.


This book freaked me out. I had dreams about it. It made me so happy that I am the anti-Facebook. It made me want to get off the grid and move to a remote cabin in the woods. Maybe I should cut my Internet and throw my smart phone off a bridge. Back to the book, I could not put it down. I wanted to know what was going to happen next. I was shocked by the ending. How could it end that way??? Was I the only one who thought it was SO wrong????

On a happy note, we are celebrating Kindness Week at school. Yes it is as silly as it sounds, but I had to have fun with it. The club I co-advise decided to give the office staff, our principal, and a few other coworkers a heart attack.




It was a hit this morning and so much fun to do!

And in closing, it rained in california yesterday. Everyone was freaking out that water was falling from the sky. As I drove home from Chipotle (yup, I got my free burrito) I took this picture. Not a great picture, but I love it.


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