I see the hole

That does not sound good.

It isn’t.

I see the hole of depression. 

Everything going on with my family, my job, my friends, my lack of a dating life…. Need I go on?

Today was very hard. My dad is still up to no good. My mom is not get better. My weekend was spent all alone. I feel like my life is meant to be alone. That is big man’s plan. 

So I obsess about this. When my parents die what will do? I have no family once they die. I know that that is years away, but it will come sooner than we think. What will I do then? 

Stress about some thing new! Sorry, bad attempt at humor.

Everyone says focus on the positive.

Today I took myself for a walk. I did not stuff my face all day long as a lounged in front of the TV. I planted some lavender. I finished my laundry. I stopped eating dinner when I was full and not when my plate was clean. I realized that my cat is awesome.

I have so much confidence and positivity for everyone. Why can’t I have that for myself?

The hole is in eyesight and for me it is always looming nearby. Some days it is behind me and some days I am trying not to fall in. 

Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Now I am going to throw out my pride and watch Naked and Afraid

Absolutely no shame.

Suck it dignity!!!!!

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