$150 later

i do not think I have really grocery shopped since school let out. My fridge would have made a bachelor proud. I was in need of pretty much everything but ketchup and mustard. Today I filled my fridge with everything I should need for the awhile. I have not spent so much on groceries since I moved into my house. I love a packed fridge! Tomorrow I will cook myself a homemade dinner and I am excited.

Before I went grocery shopping I took myself out to lunch. I had fajitas from Chili’s and they were amazing! I have been really good at sticking to my new diet. I was starving and thought about eating a tortilla, but I didn’t. When I was grocery shopping it was easy to walk by all the former temptations. I felt strong and victorious. I have not strayed away yet. I expect too and that is okay. 

I did not go to the gym today and, again, that is okay. Tomorrow I will be back on the treadmill. My body deserves a rest. I have no worries that I am falling off the workout wagon. I did not go to the gym today because I woke up feeling blue. This whole experience brought up feelings of loneliness again. It threw my biggest fear right in front of me. It also scared me since I never get sick. Last time I was sick was in college and My only ER visit was due to a car accident while in high school. To go from being healthy to sitting in a hospital room really freaked me out. 

Which if course reminds me of my biggest fear being true.

I have to focus on the victories. 

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