Home in California

I am home.

I am happy and yet sad.

Happy because I had a great trip. Sad because I am home to the same crap that I got away from for five days.

I will say that flying to Vegas is the best way to do it. I think some of my dislike for Vegas is the four hour plus drive that has to be one of the most boring car trips ever.

During the flight I was able to finish The Iggy Chronicles.


I love the Chet the Dog series and I have not read a book in awhile. I love how the book is narrated by a dog. It is twist on the normal mystery book. The author writes well and the characters are hilarious. Of course, Chet it my favorite.

Begonia was happy to see me. She could not wait to be outside and I do not blame her. She was  stuck in the house for five days. That had to be miserable. I had a friend check on her everyday and that always makes me feel less guilty. She hates when I leave and always makes me feel guilty.

Silly how such a little thing can make you feel so guilty.


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