What is high is the middle and round on the ends?



OHIO! I love that when I typed Ohio into Google Images I found tons of people spelling out Ohio!  Now I have to figure out how to do that with California….

I spent a lot of time with my family from Ohio today.  They are what I would expect a midwest couple to be like: interesting dressers, sweet as sugar, Wal-Mart shoppers, and call Coke, pop.

I love that they call it pop!

My cousin even brought homemade cookies with her!!!!!!

No one does that but midwesterners!

My grandmother’s 89th birthday was yesterday and I wanted to make sure to spend some time with her.  I would have preferred to have her to myself, but I’ll just have to go down another time. Can you believe my Nana is 89?  She looks damn good for her age too!

The day was relaxing.  A great start to my week off! I even slept until 8!

Where was the stress of the day?  Having to make a 90 minute car ride with my father enjoyable.  He is not the best at small talk and I am not that patient with him.  We always struggle to get along and I am sad to say that I think we are both nervous to spend time together. Our relationship has been strained for so long that I sometimes lose faith that we will ever be able to mend it.  I long for the days when my dad was my hero and to be honest I have a hard time remembering them. My dad and I are both very stubborn and I have a hard time moving past some of the things he has done.

But at the end of the day he is my dad and I love him. That makes it a even harder.

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