The Book of Mormon


A good friend of mine, who I teach with, have wanted to see the musical for sometime. We are lucky enough to live near Los Angeles and the beautiful Pantages Theatre, so we decided to try our luck at getting some last minute tickets. The gods must have been smiling down on us because we got amazing seats for just $70 a piece.



My girlfriend and I were so excited that for once eating was not on the top of our list.  That only lasted about a block of us walking.  We had driven by a grilled cheese restaurant (yup, they exist) and as we crossed the street it screamed out to us. We found a little slice of nirvana in The Melt.

*** Sidebar ***

I am one of those annoying people that take pictures of their food.  I will not say that I am addicted to Food Porn, but I definitely get pleasure out of taking the pictures.  Eww… Gross!

*** End of Sidebar  ***

Now the pictures of the delicious food we ate.  And no, we have no shame. Judge away!

securedownload-4 The Shorty with the Winter Broccoli Soup


The Italian Job with fresh tomato and the Sweet Corn Tortilla Soup


The Mac Daddy (why yes, that is a mac and cheese!)


The ‘Sroom

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