Laissez les bons temps rouler

As a half Frenchie, I have to say that French is horrible. I guess in all fairness, it is more Creole than French.  So in the spirit of Mardi Gras, Let the Good Times Roll!!!!

I can honestly say that I did not spend my day flashing the twins, getting free beads, and riding on floats. I spent the day at work, dealing with a depressed student and a very boring meeting. My student is being cyberbullied and is dealing with girl drama.  I wish I could  tell her that the girl drama doesn’t exist at my age, but that is far from true.  My student will be okay.  She is a strong, smart girl.  She now knows she has people she can talk to at school and does not have to keep all of her feelings inside.  I see my students as my own children. I stay up at night worrying about them, cry when they are victorious, and scold them when needed. I try to convince myself that God made me a teacher so I would allays have kids in my life.

I did not make it to yoga tonight. I stayed late after school to help some of my kids film a video. I co-advise a group called Club Live and within that we have a little group called H.O.P.E., a suicide prevention program. The students needed to film a video to share with other schools on how to help others that may be suicidal. The kids did an amazing job.  They wrote, directed, filmed, and did everything else on their own. All I did was follow them around campus. I cannot wait to see the final product.

I came home to a cat that was angry that I did not come home sooner. She rushed inside and ran to her food. You would think that I never feed her!  Begonia then went to her new bed.  The bed is actually a scratching pad.  Does she use it to scratch? No!  She uses it as a bed.


I know the picture is a little dark, but the flash made Begonia look like she was shooting lasers from her eyes. What do you expect from a cat that uses her scratching pad as a bed?

Dinner was amazing. I made a hamburger on a portabella mushroom and steamed broccoli with lemon zest.


The picture does not do this dinner justice. It was delicious! I personally think anything with broccoli is good. It was filling, but not heavy. The hamburger was a little over cooked and tomorrow I will make sure to take it off the grill pan earlier. The secret to the  hambuger’s yumminess? Grill Seasoning! This stuff is the best!  I add it to almost anything.

Now I am off to bed.  I have been going to bed late and I am paying for it.  So no movies tonight!  No playing on the iPad!  No reading.

Okay, maybe a few minutes of reading.

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