Dang you Daylight Savings!!!

How much daylight are we really saving? And what are we saving it for? You have screwed up my sleeping schedule and how will I ever adjust? Oh wait, by Wednesday I will have forgotten all about it. Did I overreact a little?

Today was a much needed lazy day. My mom is doing well. I brought her a homemade lunch- grilled cheese and sliced tomatoes. It was nice to see her eat well and enjoy it. Mom took her first five steps today with the assistance of a modified walker and the physical therapist. She is able to get up to use the restroom. All in all she is doing great. She will probably be moving to the nursing home this week.


Dinner was delicious. Chicken with rosemary ham, cheese, and Dijon mustard and zucchini and mushrooms. Not a gourmet dinner, but it was delicious.



I will have sweet dreams of dinner.

Now I am hungry.

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