Can’t shake it

WARNING: This is another post where I am going to complain. 

This funk is taking forever to wear off. To be honest I have not done a lot to shake it, but I am tired. It feels like too much work.

I keep trying to tell myself that I have a great life. I have a good group of friends. I have an amazing job. I have the best cat ever (except when she brings me dead things). I should be happy.

Should be.

Instead I focus on the negative. I have no one to share my life with. I am need to get in better shape. I need to save more money. And the list goes on and on.

What I really need to do is find something that makes me happy. 

But what is it?

Photography?  I have not picked up my camera in months.

Reading? It ebbs and flows.

It seems everything I do is done alone. 

I AM TIRED OF BEING ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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