Five bad movies in one weekend

I leave for Portland tomorrow. I am mostly packed and I am ready to go. My goals this weekend were simple: spend time with Begonia and attempt empty out the DVR. I had a bunch of movies waiting to be watched.

Too bad they were all horrible. I am going to keep my reviews to one sentence.

Movie #1- Unfinished Business

What you would expect from a Vince Vaughn movie.

Movie #2- The Guardian

Even the Coast Guard could not save this movie.

Movie #3- No Good Deed

All I could focus on was that the bad guy was super good looking

Movie #4- Blackhat

I only made it 45 minutes in and gave up.

Movie#5- 50 Shades of Grey

Horrible, but probably the best movie I watched this weekend.

What a sad weekend at the movies!

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