Up all night

If only I could share a story with you how I had a wild and crazy night.

I wish I had a pleasent story to share.

I do not.

It was a long night.

A miserable night.

Let me start from the beginning. Yesterday started out great. I did an activity with my students on friction. I caught up with my coworkers about their weekend. I worked out. I met up for Bookclub and dinner. We had plans to hit the book store and I was excited.

Then I got a funny feeling in my stomach.

It went away and all was good.

Until it was not.

The stomach flu hit me hard. I was up all night dealing with it. It was awful. I would not wish this bug on my worst enemy. When I thought I was threw, it snuck back up. I would say I suffered for twelve hours at least. Around four this afternoon I was brave enough to have some saltines and Powerade. For dinner I had saltines and applesauce. I feel so much better than I did at this time yesterday. 

I still do not feel 100%, so I am taking tomorrow off as well.

I really want to go back to work. Feel normal. 

As normal as I can be! 

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