My witchy weather vane

This morning I took myself to go see The Big Short.

It scared the shit out of me. I went through the 2006-2207 budget crisis with everyone else. I was fortunate that I did not lose my job, my home, or my retirement. I saw what everyone was going through and thought I had a good idea of what was going on. The Big Short opened up my eyes to how blind I was. It made me want to take all my money out the bank and hide it under my mattress! It made me never want to buy a home and have a mortgage! It made me thankful that I am a teacher and that my job is pretty safe. As I was watching the movie I was already deciding that I was going to watch this movie again.

I came home and parked myself in front of the TV. I have two new addictions that I have acquired on this winter break. Fixer Upper and Tiny House Hunters on the HGTV channel. There have been marathons over the past few days and I am hooked. It makes me want to fix up my house… that has never felt like mine. It has made me consider moving into a smaller place. I have always thought that my house was to big for me and my pets. I think I could survive in 500 square feet and be quite happy. Put me on a nice plot of land and I could live a life a blissful life!

One thing I have done to fix up my little abode was to replace the roof. The pending El Nino made me decide that now was the time to fix it. If it is as bad as they are predicting, I need to make sure I won’t float away. One of the best things about getting a new roof is that I finally got to put up my witch weather vane.


I received the weather vane a few years ago from my parents and it has been gathering dust in my garage. I am so excited to finally get it up! Yesterday it was spinning around with all the wind and it just put a big smile on my face.

By the way, because I have a new roof I am predicting that they El Nino will be a dud. Why should it rain if I am prepared?

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